Clarion Call to Fight for freedom from Exploitation and Oppression in Anti Imperialist Conference on Bhagat Singh Birth Anniversary

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Clarion Call to Fight for freedom from Exploitation and Oppression in Anti Imperialist Conference on Bhagat Singh Birth Anniversary

We will Continue our Fight till the repeal of Black Laws and Liberation from Imperialist Blood Suckers

Pardeep kasba, Barnala 28 September–2021

On the occasion of 114th birth anniversary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, peasants, agricultural workers, youth and women came in endless waves to the Anti Imperialist Conference organised by BKU(Ekta- Ugrahan), and a huge gathering of more than two lakh people was a demonstration of the shining glimpse of the rising consciousness against imperialist exploitation and hegemonic oppression which is a direct consequence of the present peasant struggle.

Congratulating the people on the birth anniversary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Joginder Singh Ugrahan, President, BKU (EKTA-Ugrahan) put his finger upon the imperialist exploitation as the real cause behind the problems like indebtedness, suicides, poverty, hyper inflation and unemployment being faced by the peasants, workers and the other sections of the people, and for whose extermination Bhagat Singh and his comrades sacrificed their lives. He said that the black agricultural laws are an integral aspect of the policies

being imposed upon our people by the imperialist forces through the collaborating rulers of our country. He emphatically stressed upon the unavoidable need to continue to steadily march ahead on the path leading to the final defeat of imperialism as shown by Bhagat Singh.

By taking inspiration from the life and ideology of Bhagat Singh, he declared that the present struggle will be continued to be waged not only till these black laws are repealed but also till the country is liberated from the blood sucking exploitation of the imperialists and their collaborators.

Sukhdev Singh Kokri Kalan, general secretary of BKU ( Ekta Ugrahan) thanked the people for the historic Bharat bandh on 27 September. He said that the British rulers had, no doubt, to leave the country on account of the heroic struggle of Bhagat Singh, his comrades and the people but imperialism as an exploitative power remained here, and now the loot and hegemonic

oppression of the multinational corporations have increased manifold. He further said that the rulers of our country have placed our rich natural resources like land, water, minerals and big industrial concerns in the lap of these imperialist countries and corporates and throw away prices; and now these imperialist vultures are on their toes to pounce upon our agricultural produce, marketing system and the entire food chain through these black laws brought by the traitorous Modi government. BKU’s vice president Jhanda Singh Jethuke said that the people can advance on the path of their liberation by following

the ideas of Bhagat Singh, rising above the sectarian divisions based upon religion and castes and by organising broad, determined and united struggles. By throwing light upon the unique role played by the women in the present struggle, Harinder Bindu, BKU’s women wing’s leader said that without their equal participation the nefarious anti people policies of the imperialists cannot be defeated. She said that the women have categorically proved in the present struggle they are equally capable of leading and organising any struggle.

Lachhman Singh Sewewala, General Secretary, Punjab Khet Mazdoor Union focussed upon the significance of class struggles and the peasant-workers unity in the ideology of Bhagat Singh and said that the present class-based peasant movement has opened the way to a resolute defeat of Modi government’s decisive policies of communalism, casteism and sectarian nationalism. Ashwani Ghuda and Hoshiar Salemgarh of Naujwan Bharat Sabha and PSU ( Shaheed Randhawa) called upon the youth to stand guard upon the anti imperialist legacy of Bhagat Singh enshrined in his writings especially his message to the youth of India. Others who addressed the conference included DTF’s Digvijay Pal Sharma, Jagrup Singh of Contract Employees Union, Joginder Ghasi Ram Nain and Manjit Singh from Haryana.

In this occasion the message of Bhagat Singh was communicated through a choreography penned by Amolak Singh and presented by People’s Art Theatre. The artists Lok Sangeet Mandali, Masani and Dhaula sang songs depicting anti imperialist legacy.

The Conference passed various resolute presented by Shingara Singh Mann which included the demand to restore the original form of Jallianwala Bagh, release of all the intellectuals, withdraw the orders demanding land phards, compensation to the tune of 60000 per acre to the farmers and 30000 per acre to the workers families for ruined cotton crop and strong legal action against pesticide dealers who have sold spurious pesticides. Those who were present in this conference included Dr. Surjeet Lee, Buta Singh Nawanshehar, Ram Swarm Lakhewali, Rajinder Bhadaur and Dr. Harjinder Singh Sran and Mrs. Manjeet Aulakh.

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